PARKING Between 2 Cars – EASY Tips (parallel parking)

Hello, I'm Chris. Today I'm going to show you how 
I parallel parked into this tight gap between two   cars. [Music] First, make sure that the space you 
want to reverse into is big enough. Of course,   you can't drive in sideways, so the space needs 
to be at least one and a half car lengths.   Now here's a great tip that can really help before 
you start and that's moving the left-hand mirror   down so that you can see the kerb, but make 
sure you don't stare at the mirror when you're   reversing. Although you might not hit the kerb, 
you might crash into something else or even hit   someone crossing the road behind you.

Don't forget 
to readjust the mirror once you finish parking.   As the road is so narrow, I need to start 
reasonably close to this car, because when I   steer left into the space, the front of my car 
will swing out towards the car on the right. Select reverse to get the white reverse lights 
on. This shows anyone behind what I'm doing.   Check all around to make sure it's safe 
and then reverse until the very front   or rear of the other car is 
in your back left window here.   All reference points shown today might not work 
for you and may look slightly different as they   vary depending on the size of your car, seat 
position and height, but they will be similar.   I need to get the back of the car to the left, 
so I'll steer one whole turn to the left,   not maximum full lock, just one whole turn. 
Reverse slowly and keep a lookout for other   road users.

I can see in the mirror that the 
back of the car is quite close to the kerb.   At this point, I'm going to steer two whole 
turns to the right with the car hardly moving.   To help you remember this point, imagine the 
parked cars are pointing at a 12 o'clock angle,   I'm pointing at about half past one angle. I can 
also see this triangle of road in the mirror. Now two whole turns to the right. Reverse slowly 
and look out for other people. When you steer   right, the front swings in towards the kerb so 
make sure it doesn't hit the vehicle in front. I can't see much road in the mirror 
anymore, so, to be on the safe side   and not hit the kerb, I need to steer 
away, full lock, maximum to the right. If you're still going to hit the kerb then stop,   make sure it's safe and 
pull forward to sort it out. It's close to the kerb but I can still see 
a tiny bit of road here, so the back wheel   isn't going to touch it.

I'll stop. I don't feel 
comfortable getting any closer to the car behind.   The very back of my car is almost where the bottom 
of the rear window is. There isn't much sticking   out. But don't forget, every model of car is 
different. You could ask a friend or family member   to stand outside and help you judge the back of 
your car and tell you when to stop if needed.   The front of my car is out slightly compared 
to the car in front and I need to leave space   for the driver behind to manoeuvre out, so 
I'll make sure it's safe, pull forward slowly   and steer left to get the front 
in a little.

I have to steer a lot   as I've got limited space. Now that looks 
straight and level with the car in front,   just need to straighten the steering 
back to the right and I've finished. Here's the parking again, but without the pausing.   Drive reasonably close, but not too 
close next to the other vehicle.   Once you've checked it's safe, 
reverse until you see the very back   or the front of the other vehicle 
in your rear left window here. Steer left to get the back in. Roughly once you've got to a half past one angle   and see this amount of road in the mirror, 
steer right. This brings the front in. Be ready to steer more right or left if needed. Drive forward if necessary and steer left to bring 
the front in, then steer right to straighten the   wheels.

Don't forget that it's important to 
be aware of who's around you as you park,   so be careful not to stare at anything too long.   Also, don't be afraid to abandon the parking if 
it's not working out and find a bigger space. For more driving tips, have a look at our 
website. It has over 47 easy-to-understand   videos. These videos will help you save time and 
money on your driving lessons. Learn from home   and your instructor won't have to tell 
you as much. You'll be doing more driving   and less talking in your next driving 
lesson. The cost for our learning modules,   well, we offer them for free. 
There's a link in the description. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to like 
and subscribe if you found it helpful.   In the meantime, keep safe 
on the road and bye for now..