How to Drive and Pass a Driving Test | WHAT EXAMINERS WANT TO SEE

Okay, tuning right from a main
road into a side road. So center mirror right
mirror signaling right. Positioning close
to the center white line. So selecting gear two, bringing
that clutch up, looking into the road. Hey, guys, welcome to another video. So in today's video,
I'm going to show you how to drive. We're going to do most of the topics
that you would come across in your driving test and what the examiner would expect
when you deal with each situation.

I'm going to cover most of the topics just
like I said, and I'm going to talk you through exactly what I'm
doing and how to deal with it. So yeah, let's get started. And for those of you who are learning to drive, make sure you've got the correct
footwear on just like I'm wearing here. And yeah, there's going to be a link to this footwear in and around
this video somewhere. Okay. So obviously don't forget
to put your seatbelt on. And yeah, let's get started
with these topics. Now when you're driving test,
the examiner is going to ask you to park up and then move off
at least a couple of times. So I'm going to park up now. So the first thing to do is look
for a safe place to park up. So there's a junction here. I don't want to be too
close to the junction. I can see a bus stop as well.

And then there's another junction. So I'm going to drive past that junction
before I decide to park up. So now I'm going to check
my center mirror, left mirror. I'm going to signal left. Now I'm going to position close to the curb, cover the brake,
and I don't want to block this gate here. Entrance. I'm going to put the clutch down
and now I'm going to gently brake. So I've passed the entrance. And now to secure the car, handbrake up
into neutral and then take your feet off.

Right. So there you could tell
it was the entrance. As you could see, the curve was dipped. So I let the car roll until we
reached the curve that was higher. So as soon as you pull up like this, then the examiner is going to say, could
you move off when it's safe to do so. So to move off, we use the POV routine,
which stands for prepare, observe. Observe.
Observe. Sorry.
Prepare, observe and move. So the first thing to do when you prepare the car is select first gear, set the gas,
bring the clutch up to the biting point so the car doesn't roll back and it will
move as soon as you release a handbrake. So now you're going to think about
signaling if it's safe to do so. Yeah, there's a vehicle overtaking,
so I'm not going to signal yet, and I can see, so I'm just checking
my centimeter to start off with here.

And clearly it's not safe, so I'm not
going to bother with all the checks yet. After this white van,
there's a safe gap to move off. So now I'm going to check
my left blind spot. Left mirror, look ahead,
check that center mirror again. Check my right mirror
over my right shoulder. Now I'm going to signal,
check that right shoulder again. Release a handbrake, steer to the right, gently accelerate,
and come off the clutch. And then check the mirrors
again as you speed up. So that's how to move off safely. Turning left at the end of the road. So center mirror,
left mirror, signal, left. Keep your normal driving position. Then we're going to follow the curb,
genuine braking, clutch down, selecting gear one because it's a closed
junction, haven't got the best of views. Following the curb and then
checking right, left, right. Looking into the road again,
making sure it's safe. And then as you enter the new road, center
mirror, right mirror before you speed up.

Okay, so we're coming up to a T junction
now, which will be emerging out here. Okay, so first thing to do is check your center mirror, right
mirror, signal, right. Then get your position to the right, obviously normally next to the white line,
but we've got the curb here. Gently brake, clutch down. And I'm going to select gear one because this is a closed junction,
which means I can't see much at all. So now I'm going to lean my body forward
and use that clutch to creep forward. Keep looking both sides
and I can see it's clear. And then clutch up slowly,
gently accelerate. Check my center mirror and right
mirror before I speed up. Turning left from the main
road into the side road. So, center mirror, left mirror, signal, left position,
keep it normal, gently brake. I'm going to select gear two
because I don't have to stop here.

Bringing the clutch up,
looking into the road, following the curb, still not accelerating once
I've straightened the wheel. Checking on mirrors, centre mirror, right
mirror, and then using the accelerator. So don't accelerate too much
as you're turning in yet. Make sure you're safe. Make sure you look for hazards
as you turn into the road. Could be pedestrians, cyclists,
you got to watch out for them. Okay, turning right from a main
road into a side road. So center mirror right
mirror signaling right. Positioning close
to the center white line. So selecting gear two,
bringing that clutch up, looking into the road and turning in not
too early, so I'm not going across the other side of the road and not
turning in too late either. And again, we saw there was a gap
after that bus, so I could continue. If there was another vehicle approaching,
I would have to stop here. So whenever you turn right from the main road, you have to give way
to the oncoming vehicles. Right. Sorry for interrupting the video,
but this is something really important for those of you who are learning
to drive or about to start.

So on your driving lessons,
it's your instructor's job to give you the correct knowledge of the topic
before you go out and practice it. The driving instructor will take out their folder, iPad, tablet,
or whatever they use and then start to explain everything about the topic
that you're going to be practicing. So this is where some instructors,
they don't explain enough. So you're basically doing a topic without the correct knowledge or some that go on
for ages and waste a lot of lesson time. Now, this is where the Ultimate
Driving Course comes in.

So there's a video on every single topic. So, for example,
say if you're doing roundabouts, you watch the video on roundabouts
before you go to your lesson. So you're entering the car with the correct knowledge and you
know what you're supposed to be doing. This is obviously going to save a lot
of time on your lessons, and most importantly, you're going
to have the correct knowledge. So to save time, money,
and get ready for your driving test a lot quicker, I strongly recommend
downloading the Ultimate Driving Course. That's it, really.
Let's get back to the video.

Okay, I'm going to be turning
right at an uncontrolled crossroad. So center mirror, right mirror, signaling right, gently braking,
getting my position into the center here, bringing that clutch up, and I'm going
to stop for the oncoming vehicle. So I'm going to select gear one
and looking into the new road. There's no incoming vehicle,
so I can turn. So I did see the vehicle
waiting on the side here.

I have priority over those. So I don't have to wait for the
vehicles from the left or right. Just keep an eye on them. But you have priority over those. Now, we're coming up to a controlled crossroad and I'm going to be
turning right at the traffic lights. So center mirror, right mirror, signal,
right position into the right hand lane and we can see there's
a couple of vehicles in front. So the key thing here is now.
Yeah. You know, when these vehicles move
forward, make sure there's enough space behind them before you
pass this stop line. So here's a line. There's not enough space for me to enter
without blocking that crossing there. Yeah. So I'm going to stop here
and wait for the vehicles in front to go.

Yeah. So there's a vehicle in front of that van. If he gets a safe gap to go,
the van will move forward. Then I can enter in behind. So now, getting this position, you want to make sure you don't
block any oncoming traffic. So I can see there's a safe
gap after this vehicle. And again, after entering new road, check the center mirror and right mirror,
make sure no one's overtaking. So here's another right turn where I'm going to get the chance to stop
and show you the positioning. So like I said, don't rush
to get your position. I now know I can edge forward. I want to get as close as I can to the oncoming vehicles without
blocking their path here. So this is the best position
I can get at the moment. And again, this vehicle in front is
blocking my view, so I can't really go. So only go when you can see it's clear. Don't risk it, whatever you do, because there could be oncoming vehicles
that are approaching really fast here.

So if this traffic light turns red like it has done now,
now the oncoming vehicles will stop. And again, still looking out for anyone
that may be jumping the lights. And again, these pedestrians. That's why it's so important to look
into the new road as well here. Okay, so now I'm going to be
turning onto a dual carriageway. So when you're on a dual carriageway,
you stick to the left hand lane. If it's clear, build up to the
speed of the dual carriageway. On this one, it's 40, and you only use the right hand lane
if you want to turn right or overtake. And also if you're driving at higher speeds, you got to look out ahead
and make sure you react earlier. So if you're driving at higher speeds, make sure you brake sooner
and it's not too late. And when changing lanes. So check your center mirror,
right mirror, then signal. Right.
Check the mirrors again. Make sure no one's overtaking or
that you're not going to cause anyone to slow down before entering that lane
and only then enter the lane.

Okay, situation ahead,
where the lane is closed. Again, it's all about noticing it early. Centimeter right, mirror signaling right, and it's safe to
enter the right hand lane. See with that?
Yeah. If you notice it early,
apply your signal early. You're most likely to get
a safe gap here to go. If you notice it too late, you will have
to stop here if there's not a safe gap. And after the roadworks finish, when the lane is clear, make sure
you go back to the left hand lane. Do not keep driving in the right hand lane
as the right hand lane, like I've mentioned earlier,
is turning right or overtaking.

Now we're going to deal
with a steep uphill junction. Yeah. And the key is on how
you approach this. So we'll be turning right,
centre mirror, right mirror, signaling right. And then I'm going to ease
off the gas, cover the brake. I'm going to select gear one. I'm not going to fully stop. I'm going to bring the clutch
up to the biting point.

I'm going to use that
to control the vehicle. Yeah. And again, checking both sides,
only emerging when it's safe. Accelerating.
Holding the clutch still there. Now bringing up all the way.
Yeah. Okay, so the key thing here is use
that clutch control and don't rush off it. Okay, park cars ahead. So before overtaking the park cars,
taking my center mirror right mirror moving over, keeping enough space
for the vehicle doors to open.

And if there is an oncoming vehicle, I'll have to get closer to the park
vehicles, so I'll have to slow down. So I'm going to be turning
left at this stop junction. So center mirror left mirror signaling
left, keeping my normal position. So I'm going to stop here just on the line here now, and I'm going
to use my handbrake. And I still haven't got
the best of use yet. That's normally the case at stop junction. So I'm going to creep forward, lean my
body forward, and now I can see it's safe. I'm going to enter the new road. So always stop at the stoplight,
not too early like I see many people do. And then some of you don't stop at all. What you do is you keep creeping forward. You do check it safe,
but you don't fully stop here. So make sure you fully stop
at the line and then move. Remember, when following other
vehicles yet, do not get too close. Always use the two second rule when driving at these kind of speeds,
which we're at 30 miles an hour.

So when the vehicle in front gets to the bus stop, that's 1 second,
two second, three second. And now I'm at the bus stop. So I've got a three second gap there.
Yeah. So the minimum distance you
need to keep is 2 seconds. And when you're stopping behind the vehicle, make sure when you stop, you
can see the back tires and a bit of road. We call that the tires and tarmac rule. Just in case that vehicle breaks down, you've got enough space
to drive around it. And when you move off in traffic,
check both the side mirrors. Make sure there's no cyclists
as you move off. Turning left at a roundabout. So center mirror,
left mirror, signal left. Keep your normal driving position. Gently brake to around 20 miles an hour. Now selecting gear two. Bringing the clutch back up. Now looking to the right. Still keeping my position. It's safe to enter. Following the curve round and after entering the new road,
center mirror and right mirror. Obviously, if it wasn't clear, I would
have stopped and selected first gear.

There. Going straight ahead at this roundabout,
which is the second exit. So, checking all my mirrors here and now. No signal required. Staying in the left lane, gently braking. Speed up to around 20 miles an hour. Selecting second gear. Bringing that clutch up after
this vehicle is safe to enter. Keep into the left hand lane. Now I'm taking a second exit. So as soon as I pass, check the centre mirror, left mirror, signal left,
and then cancel signal. Check my centre mirror, right
mirror as I speed up. So the most important thing there is staying to your lane yet do not drift
over from the left to the right. Turning right at a roundabout.

Which is a third exit. So the first thing is to get
into the right hand lane. So centre mirror, right mirror signalling right. And then moving over
to the right hand lane. Don't slow down too much
for the lane change. And now centre mirror, right mirror,
right, signal still on. Gently braking to about 20 miles an hour. Selecting gear two. Bringing the clutch pedal back up. Looking to the right, it's safe to enter. Keep into the right hand lane. That's exit one. Still in the right hand lane. As soon as you get to exit two,
center mirror, left mirror signaling left. Make sure it's safe. And then moving over to the left. And as you enter the new road, center mirror and right
mirror before you speed up. Okay, guys, so that was me
demonstrating some of the topics there. Obviously, there's quite a few more topics
here, and those of you who are regular viewers know that I always recommend
the Ultimate Driving Course, which has a video on every single
topic required to pass a driving test. And it's a bit more detailed
than these demonstrations.

Guys, like always. Hopefully you found that video useful. If you did, please don't forget to like and subscribe and I will
see you in the next video..