UK Driving Test 2024: What to Expect

Hello, I'm Chris. You've been learning to drive 
and it might have taken you weeks, months or even   years for you to be ready but the day of your 
driving test has finally come around. In this   video, we're going to have a look at what you can 
expect on the day. Hopefully, after watching this   video you'll feel a little less anxious about your 
test. Firstly, make sure you've got the right date   and time. It's well worth double-checking the 
email confirmation that you should have received.   Sometimes the DVSA have to reschedule tests, so 
keep up-to-date with your emails. It's also worth   looking in your spam folder from time to time just 
in case you have an important email from them.

Your driving test won't go ahead if there's bad 
weather such as flooding, thick fog, high winds   or when the roads are icy. Call your local test 
centre if there are any of these conditions on   the day. You can find the phone number on your 
booking confirmation email. If you're going for   the test with your driving instructor then you'll 
probably do a one-hour driving lesson before.   Get your documents ready to take with you. If you 
have it, you need to take your theory test pass   certificate and your provisional license. If you 
don't have a photo card license but the old-style   paper license then you'll also need to bring a 
valid passport.

If you're taking your own car for   the test then have a look at the website in the 
description to make sure it meets certain rules.   For example, making sure you have the legal 
tyre tread depth on each tyre. [Music]   Hopefully the drive before your test will 
calm you down a little, but try not to do   too much before your test as you'll want to 
be at your best and not tired of driving. Make sure that arrive for the test on time.   If you're later than five minutes then there's 
a good chance that your test won't go ahead.   Arriving too early could also be a problem as 
you might get in the way of other learner drivers   returning from their driving test. Try to arrive 
at the test centre roughly 10 minutes early.   Some test centres are situated within 
a business park.

If it is, look out for   signs directing you where to go and where to 
park. There might also be a lower speed limit. If the test centre has a car park then it 
might be a good idea to reverse into the bay   so that you're ready to easily drive 
forward at the start of the test. Not all test centres have a car park. 
If the one you're going to doesn't,   make sure that you park reasonably 
close to the test centre.   Park somewhere that's easy to move off 
from and don't forget where you've parked. Also bear in mind that the test centre might 
not have a toilet or the toilet might be closed. [Music]   Don't forget to switch off your mobile phone. It's now time to try and 
relax in the waiting room.   There will be other candidates also 
waiting here for the same test time as you.   Out of the whole test, this is probably 
the part where you'll feel the most tense.   Take a seat and try and chat with your instructor 
or whoever's with you to try and stay calm.   It's a good idea at this point to get your 
license out and ready to show the examiner.

At   the time of your test, a few examiners will 
enter the waiting room and one of them will   call your name and ask to see your provisional 
license. As the examiner checks your license   they'll ask you to read and sign the 
insurance and residency declaration.   Tick two boxes on the tablet if it's true and sign 
your usual signature, the same as on your license.   The examiner will also ask to confirm if 
the address on your license is still correct   and how you'd like to receive the summary of 
your test. The summary confirms the outcome   of the test, lists any driving faults, 
information on getting further training   and information about booking another test if 
you were unsuccessful. The examiner will then   ask you if you want your instructor or person 
who accompanied you to go with you on the test.   This is totally your choice, but 
they wouldn't be allowed to help   or interfere with your driving in any 
way or the test would be terminated.   If you decide that you want them to come 
along then they should sit behind you.   The examiner will also ask you if you'd like your 
instructor or accompanying driver to be there for   the result and end-of-test feedback.

this is your choice but it can be very useful   for your instructor to listen to, especially if 
you failed as they'll be able to help you improve.   The examiner will then ask you 
to lead the way to your car.   They'll introduce themselves and ask 
you what name you'd prefer to be called.   They will ask where you've parked and then you'll 
be asked to read a number plate of a random   vehicle, but not of the car you've been driving. 
Remember to wear glasses or contact lenses if you   need them. If it's a new style number plate 
then it'll be from a distance of 20 metres   or an old style number plate 
from 20 and a half metres.   If you can't read it then you'll be given 
another chance with a different plate.   If you can't read that, the examiner will 
measure the exact distance from another plate   and if you can't read it again then 
unfortunately it will be a test fail.

Once you've read the number plate you'll walk 
to your car. During the walk or in the car,   the examiner will ask you if you'd like 
them to explain a little bit about the   test before starting. If you agree, they'll 
say the test will last about 38 to 40 minutes   and will include about 20 minutes of independent 
driving and various roads and traffic conditions.   I will ask you to complete one manoeuvre 
and we may carry out an emergency stop.   The sort of things you've been practising 
with your instructor or accompanying driver.   Believe it or not, the driving examiner 
is just a normal person doing their job,   they're friendly and sometimes chatty. Don't 
be afraid to ask them any questions regarding   the driving test or things in general. Once 
you're at the car they'll ask you one tell-me   question, also known as the vehicle safety 
questions or the show me tell me questions.   This might be asked when you're 
outside the car or once you're inside.

An example of a tell-me question would be, open 
the bonnet and tell me how you'd check that the   engine has sufficient engine coolant. You'd have 
to open the bonnet, identify the coolant reservoir   and explain how you'd check. One show-me question 
will be asked later whilst you're driving.   That's where you'd actually have to 
demonstrate how you'd use a control.   For example, when it's safe to do so can you show 
me how you'd switch on your dipped headlights.   Only demonstrate it when it's safe and there's 
not much going on.

Getting one or both questions   wrong is a driving fault or a minor as they're 
commonly called. You won't fail your test unless   you lose control of your car when answering the 
show me question. There's a total of 21 questions.   It's well worth going through these with 
the car you're going to take for the test. The driving examiner will have 
a quick check around the car   and if you're not already in the car ask 
you to get in and make yourself comfortable. Once inside, they might place a 
sat nav on the dashboard. We'll   talk more about the sat nav later. If 
you've taken your instructor's car,   the examiner will then write down your 
instructor's details. Before you drive off,   they'll say, throughout the drive continue ahead 
unless traffic signs direct you otherwise. When   I want you to turn left or right I'll tell you in 
plenty of time. Move off when you're ready please.   During the test the examiner doesn't talk 
very much.

Not because they're in a bad   mood and dislike you but they just want you 
to fully concentrate and not put you off. You're allowed up to 15 
driving faults during the test,   often called minor faults. A driving fault is not 
potentially dangerous but if you keep making the   same fault then it could become a serious fault. 
A serious or dangerous fault would be a test fail.   A serious fault is something that 
could potentially be dangerous   and a dangerous fault involves actual danger 
to you, the examiner, the public or property. Part of the test involves you driving 
independently for about 20 minutes.   The examiner will ask you to pull up on the left 
and either ask you to follow directions from a   sat nav or follow traffic signs. They'll 
let you know when the independent driving   has finished and then direct you as normal. If 
you have to follow directions from a sat nav,   the examiner will set it up for you as you 
won't be allowed to touch it or use your own.   The sat nav will talk to you. At 
the end of the road turn left.

And on the screen, you'll see how 
far away the next direction is. Only have a quick glance at it though, don't stare 
at it or let it distract you from your driving. One in five tests don't involve a sat nav at all, 
instead, you'll have to follow traffic signs.   If the sign is hard to read as it's 
blocked by an overgrown tree for example,   then the examiner will help and give you 
directions until you can see the next sign. If you're unsure or confused 
where the next direction is,   you can just ask for the instructions to 
be repeated.

You won't get penalised for   asking and you won't get any faults if you miss 
a turn or take the wrong road as long as you're   driving safely and correctly. The examiner or 
sat nav will just direct you back on route. During your drive, you'll be asked to pull up on   the left behind another vehicle to see 
how you move off from a tighter space. You can   also expect a hill start. You'll be asked to carry 
out one reversing manoeuvre,   which could be during the independent drive.   This could be pulling up on the right-hand side 
of the road and then reversing two car lengths   and then re-join traffic.

Parallel parking. [Music]   Driving forward into a bay and reversing out. or reversing into a bay and driving forward out. along with one of those manoeuvres, the examiner 
might also ask you to carry out an emergency stop. [Music] During the test, try not to think you've failed or 
dwell on any mistakes, it will only distract you.   Staying focused and positive is really 
important. Of course, looking at what the   examiner is doing on the tablet won't help but 
bear in mind that they do make a note of other   things not just faults. So remember to keep 
calm and concentrate on what you need to do. At the end of the test, the examiner will 
ask you to pull up and switch off the engine.   They'll then take a moment to finish their report.   You will then be asked if you want your 
instructor to listen to the result and feedback.   If you do and they're not already in a car then 
the examiner will call them over and tell you that   you've either passed or failed.

If you failed, 
the examiner will say, I'm sorry but you haven't   passed, would you like me to explain why? It's 
a good idea to say yes, but you don't have to.   If you'd like an explanation then listen carefully 
and make sure that you understand why you failed.   A summary report will be emailed to you within 
minutes of you finishing your test which will show   the faults you made. Of course, learn from the 
faults, improve, come back for another test and   hopefully pass. When you book another test you'll 
have to pick a date at least 10 working days away. If you passed then it'll be very easy to get 
excited and just stop listening to the examiner.   But you'll need to try and keep listening. The 
examiner will briefly go over any faults and ask   to see your license again and if you want your 
full license to be sent to you automatically.   If you do, the examiner will take 
away your provisional license.   If you don't want to receive your license 
automatically because you need to tell the   DVLA that you've changed your address for example, 
then you must apply for your full driving license   within two years of passing your test.

examiner will then read you a health declaration.   A summary report will be emailed to you within 
minutes of you finishing your test which will   show any faults you made. They will then give 
you a lovely pass certificate. You're now allowed   to drive on your own. Keep this safe though in 
case you ever need to prove that you passed your   test. You should receive your new license within 
about 20 working days. Whether you pass or fail,   your instructor will probably drive you home 
as you'll either be too happy or sad to drive. If you've got your driving test coming up soon 
then remember that it's normal to feel nervous on   the day of your driving test. You've practised 
everything the examiner will ask you to do.   There won't be any horrible surprises and 
the examiner isn't expecting perfection.   Try not to doubt yourself, after all, you must be 
ready for the test or otherwise your instructor   wouldn't be taking you. Do your best to keep calm, 
but if you feel really nervous then maybe try to   imagine that you're just going for another 
driving lesson with a different instructor.   Avoid getting a driving fault by learning 
all the show-me, tell-me questions.   Watch this video next to get fully 

Good luck if you have a driving   test coming up soon and let us all know in 
the comments below if you passed or failed.   As always, thanks very much for watching and 
if you haven't subscribed already then please   do as it really helps us make more videos. In the 
meantime, keep safe on the road and bye for now..