How To Pass Your Driving Test As Quickly As Possible | Learn to drive: Driving test tips

Everybody wants to pass their driving test  as quickly as possible – as driving lessons   are expensive, and a full driving license can give  you independence. However, simply rushing into the   test centre before you’re ready is a recipe for  disaster, and will usually result in a fail that   is at best disappointing, or at worst dangerous.  In this video, we will share our top ten tips to   help you pass your driving test as quickly  as possible, saving you both time and money.   Before we begin please consider subscribing  to our channel so you will be notified when   we release a new video – and if you have  any questions then please comment below. Applying for your provisional license to drive a  car can be done well before your 17th birthday.   Getting your license early means that you can  start your lessons as soon as you turn 17,   perhaps even on your actual birthday! You can  easily apply on the official Gov.

UK website,   which is where you can also book the  theory and practical driving tests later.   Never use other websites as they usually  provide a worse service and charge you more.  
 The average   person takes 47 hours of professional tuition  before passing their driving test in the UK.   That is a lot of time to be spent with  your driving instructor. Making sure   that you have the right instructor is key and  could mean you take fewer hours than average.   When picking an instructor, check their  reviews, ask them questions, and make sure   you are happy with everything before booking  them.

Recommendations are good but be mindful   that we are all individuals and you may not get  on as well with an instructor as your friend did.   Make sure their teaching style and  your learning style are suited.   If after a few lessons you feel that things  aren’t going well, don’t be afraid to change   instructor. In the long run, it will cost  you less money and could save you time. The Theory Test is not easy and would  be hard to pass without revision.   Use all the resources available to you – and learn  all the rules of the road as soon as you can.   If you want to pass your practical  driving test as quickly as possible   then any delay caused by the  Theory Test would be frustrating   and may prevent you from booking the  test when your driving is good enough.   You can book a theory test as soon  as you have your provisional license   even if you haven’t started taking practical  lessons. Then once you have passed the Theory   Test you are free to book your Practical  Driving Test whenever you want to. Also,   all the knowledge learnt for your theory test will  help you progress faster in your driving lessons.

There is no substitute for time behind the  wheel. If you are only having one hour-long   driving lesson every week then it will take you  on average 47 weeks to pass your driving test.   That is nearly a whole year! We recommend you  have two-hour lessons at least once a week,   as this is more productive. Longer lessons  allow your instructor to teach you new driving   skills fully and will give you more time to  practise, really embedding your learning.   This means you will have a better chance  of retaining what you have learnt for your   next lesson. You could even do more than one  2-hour lesson each week, saving even more time.   If you are tempted by a  super-intensive course be mindful   that too much information at once  can sometimes hinder your progress.   Trying to learn everything in one week is  not necessarily the best way of learning   and can lead to increased stress levels, and  a reduced chance of passing your test quickly. At the beginning of every driving lesson,  you will always need time to get used to   being back behind the wheel, especially  if you are only having one lesson a week.   This is perfectly normal and nothing to be worried  about – but if you can practice driving privately   between your lessons then this will help you  stay up to speed.

Then you will make better   use of the time on your lessons – learning new  skills, rather than recapping previous lessons.   We recommend letting your instructor teach you  new skills, and then use your private practice   to consolidate what you have been taught  rather than trying to learn something new.   Ideally, vary the route you drive  on as much as possible – so that   you experience different junctions,  traffic levels, and weather conditions.   The more time you can spend driving the better,  as this will help get you to your test quicker. There are lots of resources online that can be  useful in accelerating your learning. There are   many written guides, and of course, YouTube  has a huge amount of driving tuition videos.   Just use a search engine to look for a specific  topic and there will be many websites to   help – just ensure that the advice is correct  for the UK, as rules differ in other countries.   Our YouTube channel has over 100 videos covering  a huge range of subjects and real-life scenarios   for you to learn from.

They cover everything from  basic driving skills through to expert skills,   manoeuvres, and even how to deal with nerves  and anxiety. Videos can’t replace practical   driving experience but can certainly give you  useful tips and help increase your knowledge   level.   
  Waiting times can sometimes be lengthy, so it’s a  good idea to plan ahead and book your driving test   early. If you leave it too late then you might be  in a position where you are ready for your test,   but forced to wait weeks or even months to take  it. If this happens you will still need to have   lessons, to maintain your current driving standard  – which will cost more money and waste time.   We recommend that you discuss with your instructor  when is the best time to book a date for and work   towards that date with your lessons. If you later  decide that you need more time to get ready,   then it is easy to move the test date  back little on the DVSA website.

As long   as you give at least 3 working days notice,  there won’t be any charge for this service. Mock tests are an excellent way to determine  your current standard of driving and get used   to the format of a driving test. It is often the  first time a learner will drive independently   for that length of time and will show whether they  are ready to take their test or not. A mock test   will help you identify any problems with your  driving, allowing you to fix them before going   to a real driving test. We often carry out more  than one mock test with a pupil to ensure we go   to our test as soon as we are ready – saving time  and money. So, once you feel you are driving at a   good standard, ask your instructor if you could do  a mock test – the experience will be worthwhile. Knowing what to expect not only helps you  prepare for the test but also allows you   to have everything ready in time.

Make sure  that you have the test day clear by booking a   day off work or college, and have organised  anything else such as childcare et cetera.   Not doing this in advance and leaving it to  the last minute might mean that you have to   delay your test because you can’t make yourself  available. Also, make sure your personal details   are correct on your provisional license, as  you wouldn’t want to delay your test because   you noticed your address was wrong and had to  send it back to the DVSA to be updated. Planning   for and knowing what to expect will ensure that  you are not delayed by any unforeseen events. Even though you have got to your test day as  quickly as you could it is still important to   make this day run as smoothly and efficiently as  possible. Having a good nights sleep and locating   your provisional license and having it ready  to take with you on the day is a good place to   start. Having food and drink before your test will  make sure that your mind and body are fuelled.   Arriving a little bit early to meet your  instructor will help make the day less stressful.   Finally, having a good warm-up with your  instructor, and practising your manoeuvres   before getting to the test centre in plenty  of time will keep things running smoothly.

So there you have ten ideas that could help  you pass your driving test as quickly as   possible. We recommend planning ahead whenever  possible, to offset any delays that could happen.   There is no substitute for spending  as much time driving as possible,   so get as much experience as you can.  Finally, practice makes perfect – so   take a mock test or two before you  attempt the real thing. Good luck! If you found this video interesting, then please  visit our channel as there are over 100 more   tutorial videos to help you improve your driving.  If you would like to help us make new videos,   then please consider becoming a member  of our channel. Thanks for watching!