welcome to the UK practical driving test 
where you are going to learn everything   that you will need for your driving test day 
now the UK driving test is there to determine   whether or not we are ready to hit those 
roads on our own and it's obviously very   disappointing if we don't get the result we 
want first time now in a lot of cases this   can be easily avoided with a bit of preparation 
so before we dive into the nitty-gritty let's   make sure we've got everything we need to 
give us the best possible chance on the day here's a list of everything you are going to 
need for your driving test number one if you   need glasses make sure you bring them you do 
not want to risk failing the eyesight test as   the driving test will not go ahead it is also 
recommended to bring your theory certificate   although I've never seen one actually requested 
better to be safe than sorry if you are coming in   your own vehicle you need to make sure it's clean 
it's insured it's a safe roadworthy vehicle that   is tax and mot'd you will also need to make sure 
that you have a qualified supervisor that means   someone that is legally able to drive Etc they 
meet all of the criteria do also make sure that   you have an L plate on the back of your car and 
on the front of your car in an ideal world you   would also have a spare Central mirror but this 
is not an absolute requirement so don't panic if   you don't have one just mention it to the examiner 
and they will make sure they bring one out finally   just to clarify you do not need to worry about 
bringing a Sat Nav The Examiner will supply one   of those for you when you go for your UK driving 
test you are going to need to make sure that you   have your provisional license awful license if 
you're retaking the test now here's a bit of   information about the UK driving test so the UK 
driving test is anywhere between 35 minutes and   40 minutes 20 minutes of this is going to be the 
Independent Drive which involves either following   a Sat Nav or following road signs the second 
20 minutes will be clear instructions from The   Examiner now don't panic about this they are very 
good at giving instructions they would not want   you to fail your driving test because they gave 
you poor instructions so all of the instructions   will be very clear such as please take the first 
exit at the roundabout going last or please take   the next road on the left if the road signs are 
covered or not very clear the examiner will help   you with this and give you a bit of a heads up so 
again don't panic now it is perfectly normal to   be a little bit nervous for your driving test in 
fact nerves are quite good they give us that edge   they make sure we're performing at our best but 
too many nerves can be bad and they can lead to   mistakes now try to remember the driving examiner 
is not there to fail you so they are expecting you   to be able to drive they just want to make sure 
you are a safe and competent driver now during   your driving test the driving test examiner will 
be watching in case you make any faults now these   are divided into three separate categories you 
have your driving faults which are also known   commonly as minor faults you have your series 
faults which are also commonly known as Mages   and you have your dangerous faults now your minor 
faults are common mistakes that shouldn't be high   risk such as forgetting to signal on the laugh 
and it hasn't affected anyone you can get up to   15 driving faults and still pass your driving 
test just to give you a bit of an idea I have   never actually had a student get 15 volts on a 
driving test has anyone else has anyone ever had   a student fail for getting more than 15 driving 
poles let me know in the comments below series   faults like the name suggests are more serious 
these are high risk situations such as pulling   out of a junction too quickly and causing someone 
else to have to slow down or pulling up from the   side of the road and not actually checking the 
blind spot this is going to create a high risk   situation because if you did that and a car was 
coming obviously there'd be an accident finally we   have dangerous faults and these are the sorts of 
faults that would potentially cause an immediate   accident such as pulling out on a roundabout that 
would potentially drive into someone something to   be aware of even if you do perform a serious 
fault on your driving test which would lead   to a driving test fail you will be expected to 
continue to the end of the test this is because   after all you have paid for this experience with 
the examiner you've paid for a driving test you   want the feedback from the driving test to find 
out what went well and what needs to be developed   your job is just to stay calm stay focused and 
do your best driving around nice and safely the first thing you're going to want to do 
on driving test day is check your email if   there's any extreme weather such as snow just 
severe weather conditions uh for instance if   a driving test examiner is poorly they may very 
well move or cancel your driving test if that is   the case they will email you either on the day 
or the day before so make sure you check your   email and check your junk folder as well now once 
you've checked your emails you're happy you've   had your breakfast you've had a drink you're 
ready to go why do we suggest having an hour   warm up before your driving test either warming 
up with doing some Maneuvers or warming up doing   any development points that you feel would help 
before the driving test now I'd never suggest   doing any longer than an hour because driving 
is tiring after all that's why they suggest   taking a break every two hours and you want to 
be at your best once you've had your hour warm   up before the driving test you're going to want 
to head to the test center now it's important you   try and get to the test center approximately 10 
minutes before your driving class this is going   to help stop you from feeling anxious it's going 
to give you a chance to pop to the toilet that   it's going to give you those few minutes rest 
before the actual driving test but saying that   try not to arrive any more than 10 minutes to 
the driving test in the car park because other   people could still be coming back from the task 
and you could put them off which I'm sure you   wouldn't appreciate I know I wouldn't now we've 
arrived at the driving test center let's make   sure that we reverse into one of the Bays if 
there is a car park if there's not a car park   let's just make sure that we park as close as 
we can but it's safe and legal to the driving   test center and make sure the car is facing the 
direction that is away and not a blocked end hello it's really important you make sure your 
Mobile's turned off the last thing you need on   your driving test is your mobile ringer dinging as 
you're going around it's just going to put you on   edge as well so make sure you turn that off once 
you've parked up let's go inside the task Center   there are normally toilets in there so if you're 
anything like me you may want to use those before   popping to the waiting room now the waiting rooms 
are unfortunately normally deathly silent I don't   know why they don't just get a radio in there 
feel free to talk to other people feel free to   talk to your supervisor just have a chat and 
take a seat and wait when it is your time and   don't worry if the driving exam is a few minutes 
late because they often are the driving examiner   will come through and they will call your name 
this is your opportunity to get up and greet   your examiner preferably with your driving license 
in hand once they've checked your driving license   they're going to ask you to sign an insurance 
declaration this is for you to sign just to say   that your vehicle is short and roadworthy to 
use once this is done they will then ask you   if you would like your supervisor to sit in on 
the driving test with you this is up to you to   say yes or no they may also ask you a this point 
would you like your supervisor to listen in to   the feedback at the end of the test now it may be 
tempting to say no but I do not advise it because   trust me at the end of that task you are not going 
to hear a word that examiner says apart from pass   or fail which means you are going to need that 
supervisor to listen to the feedback so if it's   not the intended outcome they know why and they 
can help you develop it if you are struggling with   the driving test or you just want to give yourself 
the best possible chance to pass that test first   time have a look at our online driving course our 
online driving course is specifically designed to   help you Ace the driving test first time now at 
this point the examiner may tell you a little bit   about the test if you ask for it otherwise I'll 
suggest to carry on to the car park once you get   to the car park they are then going to perform the 
eyesight task they're going to ask you to read a   number plate from approximately 20 meters away if 
you wear glasses make sure you've got them on now   or contacts whatever happens make sure you can 
read that number plate because if you can't the   test will not be able to go ahead with that done 
the examiner will then ask you to go make sure   self-comfortable in the car they may have a quick 
check around the car before jumping in themselves   once the eyesight test is done they then may very 
well ask you either a tell me question outside   the car especially if the weather's nice or if 
it's not so nice they may just ask you to jump   in once the exam is in the car with you they 
are now likely to ask you a tell me question   these questions can be found on the gov website 
in the description below with the answers as well   now don't panic if you don't get this question 
right as it will only go down as one driving fault   although it doesn't make you look very prepared 
and first impressions and all that do count now   three of the Tommy questions include opening the 
Bonnet can you open the Bonnet and tell me how   you'd know if you have sufficient engine coolant 
can you open the Bonnet and tell me how you know   if you have sufficient oil once the examiner jumps 
in they will then set up the sat nav if you are   following a Sat Nav for the day once that's 
set up and they've pressed go they will ask   you to drive on when you're ready now it's worth 
noting four out of five people on their driving   test will be following a Sat Nav for 20 minutes of 
the independent drive while just one in five will   be expected to follow road signs now if you are 
expected to follow a Sat Nav all the information   is going to be at the top of the sat nav just make 
sure you're not staring at it and you are only   glancing at it because if you take your eyes off 
the road for too long this becomes a distraction   and it's going to lead to mistakes if you look at 
the top of the sat nav it's going to constantly   give you at least two steps ahead of where you 
are going next the sat nav will also talk to you   giving you some extra help to make sure you know 
where you're going no I say this a lot but it's   a lot harder to follow on the day than it is to 
say don't worry if you go the wrong way after all   the driving test is not about how good you are 
at following directions it's about safety and   minimizing risk provided you go the wrong way 
safely you will not receive any faults at all   again if you're not sure about the direction or 
you want the examiner to repeat the direction to   just ask them to do just that there'll be no issue 
with that at all let's go now you're going to be   expected to take your driving test on a variety 
of different Road styles for instance you're more   than likely going to have to drive in residential 
areas lots of houses Maybe box cars as well you   could also be expected to drive on busy roads 
such as Town such as busy cities if there is a   dual carriageway in the area you will be expected 
to drive on a dual carriageway and finally if your   driving test center is near any country roads you 
will be expected to drive on country roads as well   now don't get me wrong you may not be expected 
to drive on all of those depending on the test   route depending on the location if you are in the 
middle of the Highlands on an island there really   isn't a particularly busy town or city anywhere 
nearby and there may not be a dual carriageway as   well during the driving test you are going to be 
asked to pull the car over to the side of the road   at least three times I say at least three times 
because if you are not performing something quite   right perhaps you haven't checked uh your mirror 
properly or you haven't checked your blind spot   you may be asked to do this more for instance 
if I've had one student that was asked to pull   over eight times and they just scraped through 
their driving test make sure that's not you it's   highly likely that you're also going to be asked 
to pull over reasonably close to another car to   give you an angled start and this is just to 
show The Examiner that you are able to get out   from reasonably tight spaces it's highly likely 
you will be expected to do a hell start as well   just to show that you can stop the car safely 
on a hill and drive away on the hill as well   at some point during the driving test you will be 
expected to perform One reverse parking maneuver   as well now this could be a forward Bay Park and 
reverse back out or this could be a reverse Bay   Park this could also be a parallel park or my 
favorite pull over on the right hand side and   reverse back to car spaces now remember the 
key to a successful maneuver is to stay calm   and think about what you're doing there is no 
need to turn this into a scene from Fast and   Furious instead you need to think like Slowpoke 
when you are doing your driving test Maneuvers   when you go slow this shows the examiner you 
have fantastic clutch control if you go and try   and do your maneuver quickly this shows a lack 
of control to The Examiner and lack of control   means risk and if there's risk you aren't going 
to get your driving license now where when your   driving test comes to at the end the driving 
exam is going to direct you back to the task   Center once you've parked up they're going to put 
the sat nav away and they're going to ask you to   turn your car off then they're going to give you 
your dreaded results if you pass congratulations you are going to be able to start 
driving on your own if you didn't pass do not worry you are able to take the test 
again in just 10 working days and remember   failing the driving test doesn't mean you're a 
bad person it doesn't mean you're a bad driver   I for one know when I was a young scallywag 
it took me three attempts to pass my driving   test and that was a lot to do with driving test 
nerves now you may just need a little bit more   practice in certain areas or it may just be a 
case of you mate and particularly bad mistakes   due to driving test nerves as well either way 
the driving test examiner will let you know I   hope this helps gives you a better understanding 
of what to expect on the UK driving test let me   know if you have any questions in the comments 
below if you are struggling with the driving   test or you just want to give yourself the best 
possible chance to pass that test first time   have a look at our online driving course our 
online driving course is specifically designed   to help you Ace the driving test first time 
and on top of that it's designed to help you   save money on your driving license don't get me 
wrong a huge amount of driving is about practice   it in the car hands on but there is also a huge 
amount of theory to driving as well have a look   sign up and get on that road to success I 
am Josh a driving instructor and I'm out