Hello and welcome to five draft school of motoring
it's Muhammad i hope you guys are doing great this is another real test video for my students Lamin He passed his test first time
with us with just a three minor mistakes The time of the test was 08:10 and the
test centre was Thornbury. Let's watch his test video Okay, right Lamin is at the test centre now the
test centre is located on the right hand side And um yeah they're just going to start the
driving test so he is just going to move off So no manoeuvre was done at the start so
he's just going to move out off the car park Out of the car park and he's going to be
told to turn left at the end of the car park Again as the speed limit will be mentioned
at the top left corner throughout this video Okay so he's going to be taking left turn here
and here you need to keep to the left there is No road marking on this road but you can see crack
throughout that road so that is the centre of the road So you need to keep to the left and this
lane is quite narrow as well so um so you need to Be slow so he's coming up to the roundabout this
is where he's going to be turning left to take First exit and then examiner will tell Lamin to
keep to the right behind that white car in front Again examiner will tell you where you
need to go so you just need to listen carefully Okay so sometimes they can say keep
to the left keep to the right but when you keep to the right normally you will be going
into the most right lane like Lamin is now And now when Lamin is gona to go through this
set of light which you can see ahead He going to be asked to stay in the second
lane from the right okay.
So again you don't Need to get confused about that uh i'm sure
you should practice that with the instructor But you just don't have to signal anything
just check centre mirror left mirror and get Into this lane and just follow that lane now
this lane is going to take you to the right So the speed limit has changed at 30 MPH a bit ago
and now it's going to change to 40 miles an hour just here If you keep going straight it will
still be 40 but Lamin is going to be asked to Take the next road on the left so as soon as you
turn left the speed limit will change to 30 miles an hour You can see that board on the left hand
side so it has just changed to 30 miles an hour Right so he's coming up to the traffic lights,
this is where he's going to be told to turn right As you can see the road marking he stayed
in the right lane here because you can see the Traffic light there's no filter light at all
so it's going to stop here and give it the On coming traffic the light has changed to red
so he has to clear the junction which he does So yeah it was dealt with nicely just keep an
eye on the filter life is on you can just go without stopping At this mini roundabout is going
to be going straight ahead to take second exit And there is a sign board on the left hand side
which is facing the other way.
I've stopped the video here so you can see speed limit is 20
miles an hour. Okay but sometimes examiners Do tell you this is a 20 miles an hour zone so
yeah just in case they don't just be very careful Just going to be asked to pull
up on the left somewhere safe And here Lamin is going to be asked to move
off park next to the car in front and reverse Behind it so they're going to carry out a reverse
parking exercise.
Again examiner will tell you to finish this manoeuvre within two card length
space and keep reasonably close to the curb So he does that manoeuvre quite nicely i'm gonna
fast forward it so there was nothing wrong so he He did his observation which was required
he uh kept reasonably close to the curb And he does the manoeuvre perfectly fine As you can see the manoeuvre is done so he
is going to be asked by the examiner again To move off and then he'll be told
to take the next road on the left And then he's going to be taking
the next road on the left again And now examiner will tell Lamin to
pull up on the left somewhere safe Examiner will ask you to do that about three to
four times uh during your test, so it's just going To be parking here. It's just a hill start so they
just want to test your move off on a hill really So you normally will have to do one hill
start depends on which which test route you get And he is going to be asked to move
off again when it's safe to do so Okay the top of this road is the T-junction
so he's gonna be asked to turn left here And at the end of this road he's
going to be asked to turn right Okay the speed limit just about changes here just
before that roundabout so probably examiner will Remind you again the speed limit is back to 30
miles an hour so when you going in it's soon after The roundabout when you come in out of that state
it just before the roundabout speed let me change it to 30MPH Now he's going to be asked to pull up
on the left again just before the car in front And examiner is gonna to ask him to leave enough
room for himself to move off so he's moving off At an angle exercise you will have to do
one of these on your test again you don't Have to get too close to the car in front just
leave good enough distance for you to move off Then it's going to be following the
road ahead at the traffic lights And further down on this road you'll be told
to pull up on the left somewhere safe there's A bus stop on the left so he goes past the bus
stop and yeah and then stops there now this is Where independent driving starts.
Again there's
no guarantee that you're going to be doing the Same test route and you're going to be following
the same signs so it's just a guide for you guys Okay so he's moved off and he's he's going to
be taking a right turn in the traffic light On this traffic light uh you've got to
be very careful this particular traffic Light even if it has got no filter light on you
can still take right turn i don't know how um It is different from the other traffic lights
but normally when the filter light is on you can Go without stopping but on this one you can go
anyway because oncoming traffic won't be moving Okay now here it's going to be asked to
follow the signs for a Ring Road so you Can see the sign on the left-hand side towards
the Ring Road, so further up it's a left turn Yeah so this is the turn towards ring road
and further up on this road examiner will Tell learner to pull up on the left somewhere
Okay from here Lamin followed the signs For City Centre. As as you can see the sign
board ahead, you can't really miss it if you do You can always ask the examiner was it a left
hand or anything, so they will remind you okay So he's going to be turning a left of this traffic
light while following the signs for city centre So Lamin is still following signs for city
centre. As you can see it's a right turn uh Towards the city center which seems to be
the third exit. Okay so he is gonna approach In the right lane because the left lane goes left
only as you can see now on this roundabout you You can signal right but you don't have to signal
left on exit, because if you're trying to signal Left there are a couple of roads quite close
to each other so if you're signaling left now People think you're taking this left hand so i
will uh recommend you just cancel the right signal And just check your centre mirror and left
mirror rather than pulling the left signal on um anyways uh now he's going to be following
signs for wakefield so probably you can see In the video, it's a left turn at the second
traffic light so you don't really want to signal Too early because there's a road before um
on the left as you can see it's just gone Past so it's not this traffic light but it's the
next one.
Examiner normally will tell you that it's a Sharp corner so just take it with care it's
quite a sharp corners you don't want to swing out Too far wide and then back in your lane so just be
careful with this one. Now here Lamin is gonna Be asked to follow signs for Leeds and you can see
the overhead sign so it says it's a left turn but It's not the one coming up now it's at the traffic
lights and there will be another sign on the right Hand side to confirm that you are going
towards Leeds and you can see in front of you The Leeds is on the left and at
the bottom of this road it's a give way So you still have to look on the right before
you actually go as you can see the give way sign ahead as well So make sure you do observe because
traffic could be coming from the right hand side Okay this is where independent driving ended and
it's going to be turning right at the traffic light So make sure you signal a little early on
this one because you have to physically change From one lane to the other, from the left lane
to the right so you need to signal a bit early And then this filter light is on you've
got separate red light to turn right so You're just gonna turn right there's no
need to give way to the on coming traffic Okay he's gonna be taking next road on the
left where the car is coming out from again It's a very sharp corner so make sure you
take it very slowly like Lamin is so he was Well aware of this road and
he took it nice and slowly At the end of the road examiner
will tell learner to turn left Okay Lamin is heading back to the test centre so
there are two lanes ahead examiner will tell Learner to turn right at the traffic lights that's
the reason he is approaching in the right lane Again it's a right turn no filter light on so you
always have to give way to the oncoming traffic So he didn't really have to stop
because there was no oncoming traffic at all Now at this roundabout he is going to
be turning left to take the first exit And now Lamin will be taking the next road on
the left again that is the test centre car park So yeah Lamin passed his test with flying
colors he only got three minor mistakes and I would like to congratulate him
on his success and wish him all the best And you guys um i hope you have enjoyed this video
and i hope you have learned something from it If you have please let us
know and yeah do not forget to Subscribe our channel and thank you for
watching this video i'll see you in the next one