Real UK Driving Test Pass at Southall, London | Recording of Official Driving Test UK

[Music] riving test UK the short-notice driving test specialist:yeah has just started her driving test at the South Pole driving test center the test centre is located within a 20 mile per hour zone [Music] prior to getting into the vehicle the driving examiner has conducted an eyesight test [Music] we have just turned left into Mornington road [Music] the driving examiner has not ox prayer to pull up somewhere conveniently safe [Music] [Music] this is a start of the independent driving section of the driving test the examiner has off sprayer to turn left at the end of this road and then take the second road on the right and then at the end of that road to turn right again the driving examiner has off sprayer to repeat the instructions to make sure that she understands once again the instructions are to turn left at the end of this road and then take the second road on the right and then turn right at the end of that road [Music] the driving examiner has given prayer a minor mistake for moving off safely as when she pulled out there was an oncoming vehicle you need to take effective observations all around front as well as back [Music] [Music] you will notice the speed is now 30 miles per hour we have left the 20 mile-per-hour zone [Music] [Music] we are now turning right into eastmead revenue you will notice it is a 20 mile per hour zone [Music] these small residential roads seem very easy but in fact they can become very challenging due to oncoming vehicles as soon as you see an oncoming vehicle check the rearview mirror and ease slightly of the gas this will give you a chance to decide whether you need to give way or whether you need to proceed [Music] if in doubt give way to oncoming vehicles the person who gives way is in control [Music] we are now turning right in very Mead Avenue [Music] [Music] the driving examiner has now informed prayer that this is the end of the independent driving section of the driving test the driving examiner has asked us to stop on the left somewhere conveniently safe this time it's for the purpose of one of the maneuvers [Music] the driving examiner has chosen to turn in the road commonly called the three-point turn [Music] as there are no Bay's at the car park in Southall driving test center the driving examiner has a choice of one of the three maneuvers [Music] [Music] now that the turn in the road is finished you may drive on as normal [Music] we are now going to turn left back onto ferry mute Avenue [Music] it's easy to forget you need to bear in mind this is still a 20 mile per hour zone [Music] as you're driving on these type of roads look out for the gap between park cars so when something does come you can easily pull up into it [Music] there are quite a few mini roundabouts in this area remember they are roundabouts and they must you must go around them and not over [Music] [Music] at the end of this road the driving examiner has Ark sprayer to turn left [Music] the drum examiner now will stay silent he is not ox prayer to turn in any direction as the road markings indicate left turn only we are now entering the slip road on approach to the a40 it is very important that you build up speed on this lip road to match the speed of the vehicles already on the dual carriageway [Music] this section of the dual carriageway is 50 miles per hour [Music] on dual carriageways it's important that you remain in the left-hand lane unless you are overtaking or unless road signs on road markings indicate otherwise in this particular occasion the driving examiner has asked us to move into the middle lane the reason for this is that the left-hand lane will be coming off the dual carriageway the whole lane is for coming off the dual carriageway [Music] Oh [Music] you will notice at the moment there are only two lanes when the dual carriageway becomes three lanes you must move back into the left-hand Lane and the first safe opportunity [Music] [Music] the driving examiner has just ox prayer to leave the dual carriageway at the next exit after leaving a dual carriageway it's very important to keep a check on that speedometer the speed limit will shortly be dropping to 30 at the roundabout we're turning left towards heading [Music] [Music] the speed limit now has increased to 40 miles per hour [Music] driving examiner's do like you to make progress so if road conditions allow it do get up to the 40 mile per hour speed limit [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the driving examiner has now ox prayer to follow the road at the roundabout that's the second exit you will have noticed a xxx sign just before the traffic lights [Music] Oh [Music] on the large roundabout it's most important that you keep in your lane [Music] there is another 30 sign as you enter the new road it's very easy to go over the speed limit especially as you have come off a dual carriageway and you have been driving over 30 miles per hour [Music] the aware of his humped zebra the hump is quite high [Music] [Music] the driving examiner has asked us to follow the road ahead at the traffic lights there are two lanes on approach the lights we are in the left-hand lane [Music] as the lights go green keep a check on that right hand mirror as the lane does narrow out [Music] same thing at these traffic lights there are two lanes on approach but then it merges into one lane [Music] [Music] at the roundabout the driving examiner has expire to turn right that's the third exit if you ever have any doubt as to where you are going you can ask the examiner for confirmation they do not mind [Music] [Music] we are now on the lady margaret road [Music] once again the driving examiner has asked us to stop on the left somewhere conveniently safe the driving examiner will normally ask you to stop on the left a good three or four times during the test make sure you check over your shoulder as well as what's coming in front [Music] [Music] after pulling out we check those mirrors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh we are just turning left into Wyndemere Road bear in mind against the 20 mile-per-hour zone [Music] be prepared to give way to oncoming vehicles on these narrow residential roads of Southall [Music] [Music] if you come to a situation that you're not sure and what you should do think safety think what is the safest thing to do [Music] the whole driving test is based on how safe you are [Music] [Music] [Music] we have now just turned right into West Bri Avenue on a road where there are lots of humps it's generally a good idea to check mirrors on each and every single hump at the end of this road we're turning left into Somerset / Road [Music] [Music] at the mini roundabout the driving examiner has asked us to turn left back onto Allenby Road [Music] [Music] very shortly we'll be turning left back into the driving test center when entering an extinct the carpark is very important that you approach slowly in first gear it's very easy to hit the kerb [Music] you [Music] hello I'm the voice behind the video especially a big congratulations to prayer on positing high driving test did you know that southward driving turn Center has a pass rate of well below 50% why not increase your chances of passing the driving test with these top tips please like and share this video and don't forget to subscribe good luck with your driving test [Music]